June is here, the kids are almost out of school, what are you doing for summer vacation this year??? Last month I took a quick 3 night cruise on the Carnival Elation with my son and my mom. WOW, what a fun getaway. If I haven't said it enough before, "This is the year to travel"! I have never seen prices so low and value as great as today. Summer prices are lower than typical "low season" rates. 3 night cruises sailing from San Diego as low as $179.00 - MID SUMMER! Typical summer prices are $400 per person. If you are thinking of something fun to do this summer, with or without the family, give me a call or drop me an email, I'd love to talk to you. 760-410-7447 Adele@LegendaryWorld.com Or check out my website Adele.LegendaryWorld.com
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Welcome to Summer...
June is here, the kids are almost out of school, what are you doing for summer vacation this year??? Last month I took a quick 3 night cruise on the Carnival Elation with my son and my mom. WOW, what a fun getaway. If I haven't said it enough before, "This is the year to travel"! I have never seen prices so low and value as great as today. Summer prices are lower than typical "low season" rates. 3 night cruises sailing from San Diego as low as $179.00 - MID SUMMER! Typical summer prices are $400 per person. If you are thinking of something fun to do this summer, with or without the family, give me a call or drop me an email, I'd love to talk to you. 760-410-7447 Adele@LegendaryWorld.com Or check out my website Adele.LegendaryWorld.com
Thursday, April 16, 2009
WOW, what a GREAT time to be in the travel industry! I am making happy clients EVERY DAY! Travel values are the lowest I have ever seen in my 15+ years in the travel industry. Cruises from less than $200 per person, Hawaii with hotel and air from the W. Coast from under $500 per person, the Island of the Bahamas is even giving back a $200.00 rebate check for visitors to their island who book by May 10th. It is amazing what value can be found these days.
I have just confirmed my Alaska cruise for July 09. I am honored to be invited to sail with my in-laws David and Diane Hinkle, and their kids Troy and Amy (and grand kids Micah and Gina) for 7 nights on the Carnival Spirit. We will be sailing from Whittier, Alaska to Vancouver BC Canada. Believe it or not, in my 30+ cruises, I have never sailed to Alaska, so needless to say I am VERY Excited! If you want to join us, there are a few cabins left, and inside cabins are starting at $499.00 and balconies from $849.00 plus tax! WOW, $500 for a 7 night Alaska Cruise during PEAK SEASON!!! Really unheard of.
Anyway, there are some great travel bargains to be had. so, Grab you passport and give me a call. Oh, and if you don't have a passport yet, GET ONE! New rules go into effect 6/1/09, visit travel.state.gov.passport for details.
Personally, I have taken a great liking to Facebook. Click here if you want to view my profile, and I would love to add you as a friend! I even added a Facebook Group for Travis's school Casita Center!
Want to win a $1000 Nordstrom Gift Certificate? My Soroptimist Club (We raise money for local women and girls) is selling raffle tickets for a chance to win a $1000 Nordy's Gift Card. 1 for $5, 3 for $10 or 8 for $20. Email me if you want to get in on the action!!!
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Happy Spring, have you gone anywhere lately?
In February I had the pleasure of sailing on Royal Caribbean's Mariner of the Seas - The biggest ship to hit the W. Coast. The Mariner is Beautiful and grand. We had a room overlooking the Royal Promenade and it was a blast for people watching. The food was great, the staff friendly and the ship beautiful. I even wan $250 in the Casino - what more can you ask for in a vacation.
In March I was able to preview Carnival's newest ship, the Carnival Splendor. As a nice touch, we were upgraded to a suite (Thanks Drew!). We sailed from San Francisco and returned 2 days later. When we got off the ship, Mom and I goofed off for the day. What a beautiful city. The highlite was our GoCar adventure. The car included a self-drive, GPS guided/talking computer. We toured the entire city in 2.5 hours, and even went down Lombard! If you are going to San Francisco and looking for a fun couple of hours, you have GOT to do this tour.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Travel is in the air...

WOW, January has brought a renewed sense of the desire to travel to may of my clients. I've been helping lots of people plan for their perfect vacation, despite these difficult economic times. Take a look at our upcoming events and joins us for a cup of coffee, glass of wine, or just stop by to say hi!
2 dates to choose from, Tues. 2/17/09 or Tues. 3/10/09. Call 760-410-7447 for information, or to receive complimentary tickets to one of our events.
Hope to see you there!
Legendary World