Thursday, October 27, 2011

What do YOU look for in a cruise expert? Read, IF YOU DARE!

Before you read this blog, I want to forewarn you, I am tooting my own horn with this one.  Feel free to stop reading now if you don't give 2 cents!

Expert is a word thrown around by sales and marketing people to try and get their audience to believe in them.  Wikipedia says that an expert is a person with extensive knowledge or ability based on research, experience, or occupation and in a particular area of study.

Happy Halloween!
Well, today I decided to count the number of nights I have spent on a cruise ship since I started selling leisure travel.  Any guesses???  181 nights (and I'm sure I have missed counting a few along the way)!  That is almost 26 weeks of cruising, and none of these have been over 8 nights.  I have sailed on over 20 different ships across the fleet of 6 different cruise lines.  In addition to actually sleeping in the cabins, I have toured countless ships from all the major cruise lines.  I am going to go out on a limb here and say than, in many areas of cruise sales, I am an expert!

I am also very fortunate to be in a profession that I LOVE.  My mission is to help turn your Vacation Dreams in to Reality.  And, to ensure that you come home with the experiences and memories to last a life time.

Here is my question for you?  What are you an expert at?  Toot your own horn, tell the world about your accomplishments, be proud of your expertise!!!  Leave a comment to this blog post - there are prizes involved  :)  

See, now aren't you glad you read the whole thing?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Is there really such thing as a Free Vacation?

Are all of these contests just gimmicks, can I really win a free vacation?  I know, if it sounds too go to be true, it probably is, right?  But not this time.  As part of our marketing efforts to gain new fans and clients, we actually do give away One free vacation per quarter.  All you have to do is click here, answer a few questions, and you are entered to win. 

Legendary World, specializes in vacation travel and offers cruises and land packages that are available exclusively via email. We cut through the clutter and send you the specific offers tailored to your interests. We will keep you advised of last minute deals and time sensitive offers as soon as they become available.  And, at any time, you can change your preferences to receive more or less of the types of vacation offers that interest you most. 

If you already receive our great offers my email, you can still enter to win the vacation - just follow the links!


Friday, October 07, 2011

iPad2, Kindle Fire, Starbucks - will it be a techie Christmas???

HUH?  What do iPad, Kindle and Starbucks have in common?  Read below for more details...

So many new products are available to help make our lives easier and more efficient.  The way we get our news, the way we play and how we organize our lives has all changed in the past few years, and it continues moving forward at a swift pace.  I am a super nerd/techie at heart and I LOVE IT!!!

How soon before the desktop computer will be obsolete like the VCR and rotary dial phone?  OK, so I am a GEN-X'er, these were the inventions from my childhood that are now practically obsolete, is the desktop computer headed there soon as well?  The new iPad (which I really really want by the way) comes in at about 500 bucks and the new Kindle Fire is only 200 bucks - decisions, decisions...  Which are you considering - if any at all...

I am a Mac user at heart, but a Kindle might be in the plan for Travis.  Instead of lugging Harry Potter's 20th book in the series (which is bound to be as big as a desktop computer) maybe a tablet makes more sense???  Well for me, I envision lazy afternoons, lounging by the Lido Deck pool, sipping a tropical concoction with an umbrella, fully immersed in the latest Sandra Brown novel... oh, back to reality... 

Anyway, if you are set and ready to get the new iPad 2 OR the Kindle Fire DO ME A HUGE FAVOR and click my banner ad to the right for your purchase, then send me an email.  There may even be a Starbucks gift card in your future if you do :)

Happy October!